General Surgery

General Surgery

The mission of the General Surgery training program at Western University is to train surgeons of the highest clinical and academic quality possible.
The wealth of experience gained during residency training matures the trainees overall knowledge base and leads to the development of good technical skills.
The Division of General Surgery at Western University is committed to providing excellence in training of residents.  Our division has a long tradition of training outstanding surgeons.  The combination of a relatively small program with a high case volume and the diverse areas of expertise of the faculty provides residents with a unique opportunity to develop into exceptional surgeons.
At the completion of training the surgeons will have developed the necessary knowledge base and skills to competently manage all aspects of the care of surgical patients.  It is our intent to foster a lifelong attitude of continued learning and the ability to adapt to change in surgical practice. 

Dr. Muriel Brackstone

Dr. Julie Ann Van Koughnett
Residency Program Director 

Dr. Kelly Vogt
Residency Research Coordinator

Surgical Rounds

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