Meet our Chair

2023-2024 SWOSA Chair: Muriel Brackstone

Dr. Muriel Brackstone reived her Honours Bachelor of Science in Physiology from Western University in 1992 and Master’s degree in Neurosciences in 1994. She then obtained her medical degree from Western University in 1999 and received her training there in General Surgery. Dr. Brackstone then completed a fellowship in Breast Surgical Oncology at the University of Toronto in 2005 at the Sunnybrook and Princess Margaret Hospitals. She soon thereafter joined the Divisions of General Surgery and Surgical Oncology in London, Ontario. Later in 2008, Dr. Muriel Brackstone completed a Master’s Degree in Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics from Western University in 2008 followed by a PhD in Pathology from Western University from 2009-2014. 

In 2010, Dr. Brackstone created and became the founding Medical Director for London’s multidisciplinary Breast Care Clinic and in 2013 also created the London Tumour Bank; a biospecimen and patient data repository for translational research in collaboration with scientists from across the region. She sits on the breast cancer executive for the National Cancer Institute of Canada and Cancer Care Ontario holds many national level grants. Her research interests include health outcomes, translational breast cancer research, neoadjuvant window of opportunity trials and locally advanced breast cancer. 

You can learn more about the history of SWOSA and its past Presidents and Secretaries here.